Developer Guide - eDC
On this page you will find an overview of the available APIs and the different options offered via each API next to a description of the involved authentication method used in the APIs.
API: Orders
Submit purchase orders to DSV via the Orders APIs
Create Orders (Submit an order to DSV)
Submit a purchase order to DSV or do changes to an already submitted order.Create Collection of orders (Submit multiple orders to DSV)
Submit a collection of order asynchronously.Search for orders and get updates
Search for updated orders and get the updatesSearch for specific Orders
Search for specific order using OrderNumber or OrderIdDelete Order
Delete submitted orders.
API: Bookings
Submit and handle a booking via the Booking APIs
Search for Bookings by criteria
Search for bookings using the defined criteria
Get Bookings by booking number
Retrieve a booking by its numberChange state by booking number
Change the state of your booking using its numberCreate Booking(s)
Create new BookingsPost a collection of bookings asynchronously
API: Shipments
Search your shipment via Shipment API
Search for Shipments by criteria
Search for shipments using the defined criteria
API: Events
Create an event via Events API
Create Events
Create events via API
Create Events as a Service Provider
Create events as a Service Provider via API
Handle (upload, download, get the list of eDOCs) via eDOCs API
Add eDoc metadata to Booking
Add eDocs Meta Data to Bookings via APIUpload eDoc using storageId
Upload eDocs to Bookings via APIDownload eDoc by storageId
Download eDocs in base64 by storageID via APIGet eDocs metadata by Id
Get eDocs Meta Data via APIGet eDocs by parentNumber and secondaryParentNum
Get eDocs Meta Data via API
API: Loadplans
Handle Loadplans via Loadplans API
Create loadPlan
Sumbit a Loadplan to DSVDeassign loadPlanNumber from bookingNumber
Deassign Loadplan from BookingAssign loadPlanNumber to bookingNumber
Assign Loadplan to BookingChange State
Change state of LoadplanLoadplan by Id
Retrieve a Loadplan using Loadplan IdLoadplan by Number
Retrieve a Loadplan using Loadplan IdSearch Criteria
Search for the Loadplan using defined criteria
Login credentials for online portals
When developing against the generic APIs, 2 online portals are made available for supporting the development process
DSV Developer portal
Main portal for DSV’s APIs covering the API catalogue, technical documentation, developer guides and subscriptions for the different APIs.
The API key (HTTP header: DSV-Subscription-Key) is found on the profile page of the portal.
Login credentials are selected by the user when signing up to the portal.
eDC portal
Online portal for Purchase order management. Orders submitted via the API will be available in the eDC portal.
Login details will be provided by DSV.
The available APIs are using a combination of two authentication methods to ensure a secure connection to DSV.
Authentication methods
API key (HTTP header: DSV-Subscription-Key)
This key is obtained by subscribing to the API as described in the ‘Developer Guide’.
The key can be found in the DSV Developer portal profile page once the subscription request is approved by DSV.
2 keys are allocated per subscribed product, a “primary key” and a “secondary key”. Only one key (either primary key or secondary key) should be used in the HTTP header “DSV-Subscription-Key”.
Sample key structure: b5c09b92fbf24d62a17caad22227c470
System account (Authorization)
For security reasons, you will need to have an active account at DSV. When subscribing to the test API, a user email address and password will be provided by DSV to the EDC demo portal which must be used during tests.
The system account is using HTTP Basic authentication and all requests must contain the HTTP request header:
Authorization: Basic user-email:password)
To facilitate easy development and testing Postman collections for each endpoint have been created: